Wednesday, January 5, 2011

If you don’t have time to do it right you must have time to do it over!

A friend of ours recently received this email and well, we were just flabbergasted

Did you know you could get more $$ for an appointment if someone else negotiates the donation? Did you know only 35% of the clients call back or leave a voice mail if you don't answer the phone when they call?

Independent but want to be SAFER???
Losing calls because you're in an appointment??
Worried because no one knows where you are or who you are with??
If a client hurt you would anyone know where you are or how to help?
No time or resources to properly screen clients to be sure they are NOT law enforcement?
Do you feel awkward discussing money with clients when they book & try to negotiate a lower rate?

Remain 100% Independent, just NOT alone!
I have a female owned & operated booking agency & can handle your inbound calls, screening, security, website & advertising.
There is a flat rate of 20% for each appointment booked by us. You also have the option of being on our website.

We recognize the benefit of being independent; however, we also recognize the challenges. Give us a try!
If we can get a higher donation........What do you have to lose?
Call me with your questions!

Now don’t get us wrong, we’re sure that the company that sent this out is great and that they feel they are worth every penny. What shocks us is the cost difference between the services we offer (that extend past those offered above) and the fact that we know several providers jump for these types of deals every day. Just look at the accumulated costs:

If a providers donation is $300/hour, the per booking cost of this service is $60 so 1appointment for 1hour = $60.
Doesn’t sound too bad does it? How about when we start adding up the figures:

1 appointment for 2hours = $120 (your take home: $480)
2 appointments for 2hour each = $240 (your take home: $960)
Still not bad…

Well let’s take a look at 1week’s pay:
Approximately 3 appointments a day (Monday – Friday) for 1hour each is 15 appointments. That’s a total of $4500 in possible revenue.

The cost you pay to this company? A whopping $900!!!!!

Seriously???!!! Now this wouldn’t be an astronomical amount if this was the cost for an agency or if business was really booming but let’s re-read their sales pitch …

We recognize the benefit of being independent; however, we also recognize the challenges.”

This would be the cost of $900/week for you alone!!! The cost for the same week with more work and customized advertising & marketing with Executive Luxuries is less than ½ that. Now, to each his/her own, some people have been very successful with bookers. Others have found that they require a more personal connection with the people that are working to make them money and keep them safe. Executive Luxuries has strived since its inception to do just that, to keep your goals and desires at the forefront. Our flat fees include an array of services that are customized to the needs of all of our clients. We don’t just do what we feel is best for you, we present you with all the information you’d need to make a smart decision, give your our opinion, and ask what direction you’d like to go.

That’s what sets us apart from other assistant/booking services. If you’d like to know how we could help you check out our site or email is directly at

If you don’t have time to do it right you must have time to do it over!

Claire & Terri

Monday, January 3, 2011

True Belief Requires Action

We came across this article and wanted to share it with you:

The perspective looking forward always seems longer than the perspective looking back. I have the same feeling when I'm driving or flying somewhere on a trip. Going en route to the destination always seems to take long but in contrast, the trip back home seems so quick.

Action speaks our true belief

As adults we're not too different from children. We look at the future as if it will never come. Intellectually we believe it will, but only action speaks our true belief.

Here is a very interesting story I read about recently:

During the 19th century there lived a dynamic tightrope-walker and showman named Charles Blondin. He was undoubtedly the greatest funambulist that ever lived. (A funambulist by the way is an acrobat who performs on a tightrope.) His thirst for new and daring stunts was unquenchable. In 1959 at the age of 35, he became the first person to cross Niagara Falls on a tight-rope, 1100 feet long and 160 feet above the water! History reports that Blondin accomplished this feat numerous times, always with different theatrical variations. Such as being blindfolded, in a sack, on stilts, carrying a man on his back, and sitting down midway while he cooked and ate an omelet.

He dazzled everyone with his brilliant skill. They were amazed. He made every crossing without a hitch. One day as the crowd gathered, he stepped off the wire, grabbed an empty wheelbarrow and stepped back onto the perilous wire. Again he proceeded to amaze the crowd as he pushed the wheelbarrow back and forth high above the crashing waterfall.  After he made his way back to the crowd, he stepped off the tight-rope a second time, looked straight at the astonished people, and asked this question. "Who believes I can walk across this wire with a wheelbarrow?" Every hand shot up. Because they had just witnessed this masterful feat.  While all the hands were still raised, he pointed at a young man in the front row and said, "Please sir, get in the wheelbarrow." Quickly everyone's hands went down and the young man slipped away and escaped to safety.

If it had been me I would have done the same thing ... run for safety. As crazy as the story is, the point goes to show that often times our belief is only intellectual. In all areas of life, it's also true that without commitment and action, our beliefs will only be beliefs. It's not enough to say, "Knowledge is power." The reality is, "Applied knowledge is power."

Start Now: Preparation leads to confidence and success.

Therefore, don't fall into the trap of believing you have plenty of time before you need to start acting. The time will pass by more quickly than you think. It is wise to position yourself so that when you come to that point in your life, whether it's ten or twenty years from now, you will have choices. And those choices will be the ones you desire, not ones forced upon you due to lack of planning.

How do you prepare for your missions? Are you mission-ready? Do you execute a well-prepared plan, or do you fly by the seat of your pants and simply react when adversity strikes? Preparation is a critical factor to reaching your potential.

• Surround yourself with like-minded people
• Study your competition
• Stay current on new technologies
• Focus on personal development
• Leverage social media to build your brand and practice responses to business objections before heading into battle.  

When you rehearse for success, you’re much more likely to achieve it. Preparation leads to confidence and confidence builds trust. Trust sells.

Claire & Terri